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How Cross Play Affects Rainbow Six Siege Ranked Matches


Do you want to know how cross play affects your Rainbow Six Siege ranked match? This article will reveal the ways in which cross play can impact your gaming experience and how you can increase your chances of success. Whether it’s on console, mobile, or PC, find out how cross play impacts the playing field and what you can do about it. Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical first-person shooter game developed by Ubisoft Entertainment and released in 2015. The game puts two teams of five players against each other in a variety of environments to complete objectives, like rescuing hostages or diffusing bombs. Rainbow Six Siege supports both single-player and multiplayer game modes and has become one of the most popular eSports games since its release.

Is rainbow six siege cross play

The game allows players to cross-play with each other, meaning that players who have accounts on different platforms (Xbox, PC, and PlayStation) can squad up together and play against opponents on the same platform or an opposite platform. Cross-play has allowed Ubisoft to combine users from different server regions into a larger pool of players in order to ensure better matchmaking and quicker searches for games. This, in turn, has opened up new opportunities for competitive play and made Ranked Matches much more accessible to players around the world.

Advantages of Cross Play

Cross Play offers a unique benefit for players of Rainbow Six Siege. By enabling players to matchmake and play with opponents regardless of their gaming platform, Cross Play ensures that players have access to the most competitive and enjoyable matches possible. This reduces the “skill gap” between casual and more experienced gamers, allowing everyone to enjoy themselves more when playing the game. Cross Play also helps build a larger community across platforms. Players who may have not had many people to play with on one platform can easily team up, or take on teammates or opponents across other platforms that see lesser or greater player base numbers at any given time.

Having all platforms in one queue makes ranked matches much fairer as well, since PC gamers cannot “hide” in different queues against inferior opponents. In addition, it gives both console and PC users an opportunity to play freely without worrying about control differences; both camps maintain their own advantages while giving each type of gamer an equal chance when deciding who gets in which teams during matchmaking processes. This is key for a fair game experience for everyone involved.

Disadvantages of Cross Play

Cross play is designed to expand the player base of video games and make it easier for players to connect with friends, regardless of the console they’re using. While this idea has potential, it can also come with some major disadvantages when it comes to ranked matches in Rainbow Six Siege. In order to properly balance out matches and ensure fair play, ranked matches will match you with players of similar skill levels. This includes not only players from the same console but from different ones as well due to cross play capabilities. The problem comes in when the different consoles have drastically varying input lag due to their hardware – for example, PS4 players tend to have much higher input lag than those on PC or Xbox One, making it harder for them to compete in a match.

Furthermore, mouse and keyboard players tend to outplay those who use controllers within medium-long range fights; as such, allowing them into lower rank pools can easily disrupt levels at which competition should be fairly even. Some users actually opt out of cross play features because of this problem but this decreases their pool size drastically and potentially eliminates playing with friends who are on other platforms. Ultimately, while cross play between the different platforms is a welcome feature that can facilitate more enjoyable online gaming sessions – especially due to current travel restrictions we face – it has its drawbacks in terms of balancing within ranked game modes like Rainbow Six Siege.

Impact of Cross Play on Ranked Matches

Rainbow Six Siege is a unique video game in that it allows players from different consoles and gaming platforms to play with each other in its Ranked matches. This type of cross-platform play has several advantages for the game’s competitive scene.

  • Allowing players from different systems to battle against each other eliminates the unfair advantage typically enjoyed by console players. With cross play, console gamers face off against players using PCs, thereby creating a more level playing field. This helps ensure that good competition still exists in spite of any possible accuracy or performance discrepancies between platforms.
  • Cross-play technology allows Rainbow Six Siege to benefit from larger player pools. This makes it easier to match up opponents quickly and makes ranked matches more enjoyable due to less waiting time between games. It also helps reduce lag issues during online matchmaking since there are more people available for connection at one time.
  • Finally, Rainbow Six Siege’s various global competitive circuits allow major tournaments to be held across the world – making it easier for teams and individual competitors to compete with one another globally despite their gaming platform of choice. Cross-play also eliminates the problem of incompatible hardware and disparate regional standards that can make interregion tournaments difficult or impossible without extra workarounds.

Impact of Cross Play on Player Experience

Cross play is a feature that allows gamers all over the world to face each other in an online match regardless of the platform they use. It is an important tool for boosting player engagement and experience, and Rainbow Six Siege has implemented this feature in their popular shooter game to vastly improve their competitive scene and rank competitive matches. When cross play is activated, it allows players from various platforms, such as PC, PlayStation 4 (PS4), or Xbox One, to play with each other on Rainbow Six Siege Ranked Matches. This means that players who use different platforms are no longer restricted by platform boundaries and can now compete against one another regardless of tech unlike before when solo-platform-only was allowed.

The impact of crossplay on Rainbow Six Ranked Matches is significant. With so many players from different platforms engaging in online matches, there is less chance of matchmaking taking too long or being dominated by just one platform’s users. Additionally, having a large pool of potential opponents also results in more balanced matches with players’ skills more closely matching across team rosters. Finally, allowing players from different regions to meet up also creates a more enjoyable yet challenging gaming experience for everyone involved and prevents stagnation due to metagame movements taking place exclusively on one platform happening without the participation of others.

Strategies to Overcome Cross Play Challenges

Cross play is becoming an increasingly popular feature in online games, allowing players of different platforms to match up against each other, regardless of their device. By introducing cross play into Rainbow Six Siege, the opportunities for ranked play have increased significantly. However, cross play can also create unique challenges and lead to imbalanced matches. To ensure a fair chance for all players, it’s important to adjust your strategy accordingly. One of the most common frustrations faced when playing with a diverse range of users is the impact that console and PC controls can have on overall cohesion and team play. Console users tend to move slower on maps than PC users because the selection of movement options is more limited and accurate aiming on consoles requires far more practice than on PC’s using a mouse and keyboard combination. As such, it’s important to adjust your strategy so that moves are coordinated carefully between all members of a team regardless of platform.

Another challenge comes from the very different ping times experienced by players on different platforms- as console players generally have much lower pings than their PC counterparts due to the extra time taken for data transfer over wired connections- this can create imbalances in team composition due to premature callouts or unexpected delays in responses which would otherwise be negligible if all players had similar ping rates. In order to compensate for this disadvantage,console players should always make use of headsets whenever possible so as to allow detailed discussion amongst teammates with lower latency responses when coordinating moveset mid-game.


In conclusion, Rainbow Six Siege is generally considered a viable option for cross play, as the number of teams in each region remains relatively consistent regardless of any platform differences. The game’s ranked mode also provides a level playing field for players regardless of their platform and allows for more balanced matchmaking throughout its global player base. Cross play ensures that players can find opponents from the same regions to compete against and encourages a more competitive atmosphere than would be found in separate lobbies with just console or PC users.