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Using Microsoft Vision 2021 Professional for Advanced Diagramming


Visualizing information through diagrams plays a crucial role in modern business. It helps better understand organizational structures, optimize workflows, make informed decisions, and effectively communicate with colleagues and clients.

Microsoft Visio 2021 Professional is a powerful tool for creating various types of diagrams that visually represent complex data and business processes. The program offers a wide range of features that allow you to create professional diagrams quickly and efficiently. In this article, you will learn how to use this software to build advanced data visualizations.

Basics of Working with Microsoft Visio 2021 Professional

Program Interface and Key Tools

The interface of Visio 2021 Professional is intuitive and user-friendly. The ribbon contains tabs with the main tools for creating and editing diagrams. The Shapes pane includes many ready-made elements that can be dragged onto the page:

  • Selecting diagram templates and shapes. Visio offers an extensive collection of built-in templates and shapes for various types of diagrams, from organizational charts and flowcharts to floor plans and network topologies. This allows you to quickly start working on a diagram without needing to create elements from scratch.
  • Placing and formatting shapes on the page. To place shapes on the page, simply drag them from the Shapes pane. Visio automatically aligns and distributes elements, ensuring the diagram has a neat appearance. Each shape can be customized using formatting options such as fill color, line style, shadows, and effects.
  • Connecting shapes with connectors. Visio makes it easy to connect shapes using various types of connectors — straight, curved, and elbow. Connectors automatically attach to connection points on shapes and dynamically update when elements are moved, maintaining the integrity of the diagram.

Utilizing Advanced Features of Visio for Creating Diagrams

One of Visio’s powerful features is the ability to link shapes in the diagram to data from external sources, such as Excel tables or databases. This allows for automatic updates to the diagram when the source data changes, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Moreover, Visio includes tools for checking diagrams against specified rules and standards. You can define your own rules specific to your organization or industry to ensure consistency and quality in the diagrams you create.


To accelerate the creation of repetitive or complex diagrams, Visio allows the use of add-ons and macros. They enable the automation of routine operations, such as adding shapes, applying formatting, or updating data, saving time and increasing work efficiency.

Visio 2021 Professional also supports real-time co-editing of diagrams. Multiple users can work on the same diagram simultaneously, seeing each other’s changes. This facilitates team collaboration and helps achieve the desired results more quickly.

Examples of Creating Complex Diagrams in Visio 2021 Professional

Using Visio, you can create detailed organizational charts linked to employee data from Excel tables or databases. When information about positions or reporting relationships changes, the diagram will automatically update, always staying current.

Visio also allows for the modeling of complex business processes using conditional rules and logic. You can define different process paths depending on conditions, add loops and branches, and specify time and resource costs at each stage.

Professionals can create detailed architectural plans for buildings and rooms, as well as network topology diagrams, using Visio. The program offers specialized templates and shapes for drawing walls, doors, windows, network devices, and cable connections.

Visio diagrams can be used to visualize project plans, including stages, tasks, dependencies, and timelines. By linking the diagram to project progress data, you can track progress in real-time and quickly identify potential issues.

Exporting and Publishing Visio Diagrams

Visio supports exporting diagrams to various popular formats, such as:

  • PNG, JPEG, and SVG — for use in presentations and documents;
  • PDF — for viewing and printing without loss of quality;
  • HTML — for publishing on websites and intranets.

Visio diagrams can be easily inserted into Microsoft Office documents such as Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. The link to the original Visio file is maintained, allowing the diagram to be updated in the document when changes are made.

The program also offers the capability of publishing diagrams on corporate portals like SharePoint or public websites. Shared diagrams can be easily distributed to colleagues and clients by providing a link or embedding the diagram on a web page.

When printing diagrams from Visio, you can set a high resolution and configure page settings to achieve high-quality results. The program automatically breaks large diagrams into multiple pages for printing on standard sheets.


Microsoft Visio 2021 Professional is a versatile tool for creating various diagrams, distinguished by its rich set of features and flexibility. It allows you to visualize complex data and processes, automate routine tasks, and collaborate effectively with colleagues.

With support for linked data, rule checking, automation, and co-editing, Visio helps companies optimize workflows, improve communication, and make informed decisions. As technology advances and integration with Microsoft cloud services continues to expand, Visio’s capabilities are growing, opening new opportunities for businesses.