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Aggressive vs. Passive Play Styles in League of Legends

In League of Legends, players have several classes of champions to choose from. While some of these champion classes are fairly versatile, most gamers fall into one of two camps when it comes to playing style. For beginners, a passive play style is generally the best course of action. Passive play typically involves focusing on farming or control. However, the more you play, the more tempting it is to adopt an aggressive approach. Not sure which is the best route for you? Let’s explore these play styles in more detail.

Aggressive Play Styles

While aggressive play styles are more commonly encountered at higher levels, even first-time gamers can take an offensive approach. Generally speaking, a strong offensive requires an aggressive champion. These champions need to fulfill some pretty strict criteria. They need to spike early in a game, unlocking their most powerful abilities during landing. They also need to be fairly mobile, moving around the map with ease and being ready to engage in duels. What’s more, an aggressive champion needs to boast high base damage and come with a kit that’s tailored toward HP-draining abilities.

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More than a few champions fit the bill here, although the likes of Tryndamere, Samira, Olaf, and Irelia are among the best picks. The downside of using these high-powered champions? They can be difficult to get to grips with. If you’ve only been playing League of Legends for a short time, you’ll struggle to make effective use of these champions and their devastating abilities.

Passive or Defensive Play Styles

Don’t assume that a passive play style means you’ll be slinking away from the heat of battle. In fact, passive players can be a thorn in the side of even the best LoL player. While they’re rarely a threat during the early stages of a game, a passive champion can come into their own during the final phases. Typically, passive champions are fairly inactive during the early game. However, there are some exceptions. If a passive character has been selected as a counter-pick, there’s good reason to use them more aggressively. They also suit disruptive play styles, performing well alongside other champions to dominate lanes. However, there are some downsides. For one, they have fairly low mobility, meaning you’ll usually be tied to the same corner of the map for long stretches. Furthermore, resource management needs to be at the forefront of your mind if you want to do well with a passive champion.

Champions from just about every class can fall into the passive camp. However, some of the best include Sivir, Gangplank, Ziggs, and Ekko.

Which Play Style is Best?

There’s no definite answer here. While it would be easy to dismiss a passive play style as the preserve of beginners, the fact is that many advanced players continue to deploy a disruptive approach long after their first match.

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Another thing to bear in mind is that the League of Legends meta is constantly updated. Your go-to champion for defensive maneuvers might have served you well for years, but just one patch update can redefine the playing field.

Ultimately, you’ll want to have experience with both play styles. While some major teams are single-minded in their approach, the majority of professional rosters adopt a more flexible approach. Ready to see how the pros handle play styles? Head to for the latest LoL tournament fixtures and major events.